
Cheik Mohammed: Our Lady of Deliverance



Our Lady of Deliverance School serves 395 diverse students in the poor region of Akkar in Northern Lebanon. They have an incredible mission of providing education without discrimination to provide young people with the cultural, spiritual and moral foundations.

However, they must operate with very limited funds. In the two buildings that make up the school campus there has been ongoing water damage. The situation has gotten worse over the years without the ability to waterproof the building. At one-point large pieces of concrete even fell into the playground area! It is so important the children are safe. The school did their best to restore the buildings with a small budget, but it was ineffective. 

The school desperately requires $18,000 to quickly waterproof the building and fix this problem.

Bcharreh: St. Joseph School

Rehabilitation & Waterproofing


The Saint Joseph School is located in the remote region in Northern Lebanon in a Christian village. It serves 384 students.

Despite the financial hardships of the school, the director of the school Sister Christine Asmar has managed to renovate part of the school through fundraising efforts. Still, the school suffers and needs help. She is seeking aid to waterproof the roof and paint the buildings. But most importantly, to she needs funds to heat the school. This is especially important since the school is located in a cold and mountainous region.

Students should have a safe, warm, and comfortable environment to study. You can help make that happen.

Klayaa – South Lebanon: Saint George School

Klayaa – South Lebanon: Saint George School

We are raising funds to help keep the 150 students of the school safe, including installing a water filtration system to provide potable water, security bars on windows, and a covered walkway between buildings.