MCN Continues their match project program — Education Opportunities for Lebanon

MCN Continues their match project program

MCN Build will continue their generous match project program for 2017. 

MCN Build’s generosity towards the children of Lebanon began in 2015 when EOL put out an urgent call for donations to buy blankets for orphans and needy children at a boarding school in the snow-covered mountains of Lebanon. A few days before Christmas, a donation was received that covered the cost of the entire project.

“We are a purpose-driven company,” CEO Rudy Seikaly says. “Corporate social responsibility is something we take very seriously. As a community builder, schools fit right into our mission.”

MCN Build, a DC-based construction company, then partnered with Education and Opportunities for Lebanon to generously match donations dollar for dollar. With their help EOL was able to complete four projects - acquiring educational toys for special-needs children, funding equipment for a science lab, buying desks and chairs for a new classroom, and purchasing classroom equipment for a school for the deaf.

“We are extremely grateful to have a partner like Rudy Seikaly at MCN Build,” said Kathy Feghali, Chairperson and CEO of Education and Opportunities for Lebanon. “Through his kindness and generosity, we will be able to help twice as many orphaned and neglected children in Lebanon this year.”

This year MCN Build will continue with their support for the children of Lebanon and provide matching donations for five projects in 2017:

  • New computers for the St. Anthony School in Saghbine, Bekaa
  • Learning toys and a photocopier for Saint Moura School in Bkerzla, Akkar
  • Laboratory equipment for Saint Joseph School in Debel, South Lebanon
  • Reinforced wall for Providence Home in Salhieh, South Lebanon
  • Building Rehabilitation for Saint George School in Klayaa, South Lebanon.

Any donation to these projects will be matched dollar-for- dollar by MCN Build