Save Lebanon's Schools: The Vulnerable 30 — Education Opportunities for Lebanon

Save Lebanon's Schools: The Vulnerable 30

The Save Lebanon’s Schools group was formed to help Catholic schools across the country. Many are in jeopardy of being shut down and need assistance to survive. Our current goal is to focus on 30 extremely vulnerable schools.

With your help, we aim to raise $2 million. The first $1 million raised will pay tuition for students who may otherwise have to leave school. Additional funds raised will help pay teachers’ salaries, cover school maintenance and utility bills, and provide information technology and online curriculum.

EOL, the project manager, is a volunteer-run initiative that has assisted Lebanese schools since 2007.

CNEWA, EOL’s funding partner, is a U.S. 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Please donate via the link below, and write “Save Lebanon’s Schools” in the comment box.