Emergency tuition assistance for 23 students
The Marjoyoun National College was founded in 1946 on the initiative of Fadlo Hourani by a merger between the Greek Orthodox and Protestant schools. Fadlo, born in Jdeidet Marjeyoun in 1871, was inspired by his own education at the local Protestant school, and then at the American-founded elementary, secondary and university: the
Syrian Protestant College of Beirut later renamed as the American University of Beirut.
The school functions as a non-profit making, non-sectarian and co-educational institution, with a board of trustees and licensed as a public charity by the Lebanese government in April 1954. Today the school serves several hundred students from kindergarten through high school.
EOL was able to provide tuition assistance to 23 students who faced economic hardship and would have otherwise had to drop out and end their education.
Images thanks to Marjoyoun National College website: