Please Join Us April 23rd, 2017
For Our 8th Annual Fundraising Dinner at The Lebanese Taverna, Tysons Corner
Join us for good food, great company and an important cause: Lebanon’s students and the schools that prepare them for a brighter future
Our past dinners have included incredible Lebanese food, wine, music, and wonderful company. Plus they are a key component of our fundraising efforts.
Suggested donation:
$125 per person;
$1,250 for a table;
$5,000 Student Sponsor;
$10,000 School Sponsor
Please make checks payable to:
and send to:
Education and Opportunities for
Lebanon, c/o Salim Jarawan
8514 Whittier Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20817
For more information:
Jenny Saad (EOL)
Chris Kennedy (CNEWA)*
800-442-6392 x504
*Catholic Near East Welfare
Association (CNEWA) is EOL’s
funding partner.
Some images from our 2016 Dinner thanks to Regina Roman: