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We are here to support the children. 

Education and Opportunities for Lebanon (EOL) serves underprivileged school children of all religious faiths throughout Lebanon.

2025 Projects

Total: $601,815 provided to 8 EOL schools and 1,771 students

OR Send a check to:
Michael J La Civita, 15th Floor
1011 First Avenue, New York, NY, 10022-4195
(write "for EOL" in memo line and specify the project you would like to donate to)

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Ways to give

SPonsor a Student

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For just $30 a month you can provide an education. 

Project Donation

Make a donation to help fund one of the projects below

Memorial Fund

Donate to an existing fund or establish a memorial fund.


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Volunteer to fundraise, host an event, or give your time

Current Projects

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”You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.” Winston Churchill

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Recent News

A Short Video From the Antonine School in Rmeish, Bint Jbeil District, South Lebanon

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"I have a lot of friends at the institution and I am very happy.

I am now in fifth grade and I am studying hard and look forward to the Summer vacation when I can go and live with my mother for a whole month."


"I am very happy with the new toys. I am learning and having fun at the same time."

"My sisters and I and all the girls at St. Charles Orphanage are so happy and grateful for your support. We all come from very poor families and many of us are orphans, but we find in you our hope for a better future."